100% unique design with patented stabilizer deck flares - boat is cedar strip construction with cherry & maple veneers applied - width 18", length 18'-8"


Surf Wing Kayak

Balance Canoe
Cedar strip solo tripping canoe with custom artwork on both sides of the bow and stern as well as carvings and custom veneers

Seawolf Kayak
This is my first wood boat, it is cedar strip and is from a modified kit plan, there is custom art and carvings on the beck & bow



Proto-type surf wing kayak

I built this boat using a stitch & glue kayak kit and customized the hull by adding my patented deck flares. I also added custom veneers and carvings to decorate the boat. I tested this boat on heavy seas and rolling it in a pool before I pursued my US patent for the flares

The images above are a small fraction of the images I have taken both during and after their construction. I will add content when I can for your reference as I continue to add content to the site.